Massifcentral Manufactur GmbH
Eiswerderstr. 16
DE-13585 Berlin
phone: 0049 30 33 30 80 30 00
manager: Dipl.-Bwt. Christian Seltmann
Registered at: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Massifcentral Manufactur GmbH
Eiswerderstr. 16
DE-13585 Berlin
Tel.: 0049 30 33 30 80 30 00
Managing Director:
Dipl.-Bwt. Christian Seltmann
Registered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
HRB Nr. (Commercial Register): 149473B
WEEE Nr.: DE289353911
Zolltarifnr.: 94051050
EORI-Nr.: DE531978538623076
LUCID: DE1644509799950-V
Responsible for content pursuant to section § 55 Paragraph 2 RStV:
Dipl.-Bwt. Christian Seltmann, Mommsenstr. 65, 10629 Berlin
Concept and Design
Xiomara Bender
Achim Kindler
Disclaimer of Liability
The information and data made available on the Website provide the user with an overview of our company. However, no liability will be accepted or guarantee made that the information, data and offers made available are up to date, accurate or complete. This also applies to all other websites that are referred to using hyperlinks. The lcb manufactur GmbH is also not responsible for the content of websites that are accessed using such hyperlinks. The lcb manufactur GmbH reserves the right to carry out amendments or supplements to the information made available without prior notice. The information made available on does not represent individual consultation and cannot replace this. Our staff will be pleased to assist you in individual consultations. The lcb manufactur GmbH cannot accept any liability for direct or indirect damage, including loss of profit that is incurred through the use of the information or data that is found on this website. This also applies to all other websites that are referred to using hyperlinks. No rights or obligations whatsoever can be derived from the use of this website. Personal data that customers transfer to us by email will exclusively be used by us internally for the service requested and within the provisions of the German Data Protection Act. Information from users is provided on a voluntary basis.
However, the lcb manufactur GmbH cannot guarantee that such data is not seen and/or used by third parties during its transmission on the Internet. The texts, pictures, graphics and animation data made available on are subject to copyright and other legislation to protect intellectual property. The forwarding, amendment, commercial use or application of such intellectual property requires the prior agreement of lcb manufactur GmbH.
The content of the pages of this Internet domain partially originates from third parties who do not permit their further reproduction and circulation. Reproduction or circulation of these pages or their content is only permitted with the prior written consent of the holder of the copyright and LCB Manufactur GmbH and solely in cases where the source and date are specified.